Body Parts
Abdomen, Belly = ira booga, warna
Ancle = bardla
Arm = goongga
Back, Spine, Ridge = nada
Big belly, Gormandizer = warna wadla
Bosom = yoolgara
Bowels = mooldyooroo
Brain = gagabibi
Breast, Chest = moona
Breath, Steam = booga
Catamenia = wari gardindya
Coverlet of the male pubes = malbirinya
Coverlet over the male pubes = ngoolda
Cheek = ngoolgoo, ngoordoo
Elbow = koornoonoo, marngoo
Eye = mina,miala
Eyebrow = bigoo
Eyelashes = yarnbinya
Eyelid = mina yarnbi
Face = ngari
Female breast, Milk = ngama
Female sex = waga
Finger nail, Claw = biri
Finger nails = marabiri
Fleshy part of the abdomen = ngadlooroo
Foot = idna
Forefinger = mara wilooroo
Forehead = ngana
Fur, Hair = boodi, goorni
Hair = mara,ngooroo,boodi
Hair(large head of) = wambara
Hair about the genitals = ngarda boodi
Hair of the head = gagaboodi
Hair on the human body = googoo
Hairside of a skin = boodingari
Hamstring = idlya
Having sore eyes = mina goordoo
Head = gaga
Heel = idnawardnoo, wardnoo
Knee = mamba, boora
Kneecap = badila
Knee joint,hough = ngooloo
Knee-pan = balgoo
Left hand = yanggoo
Leg, Shin = wida
Lip = nimi
Little finger = marababa
Kneecap = badila
Knee joint,hough = ngooloo
Knee-pan = balgoo
Mouth = ya
Muscle, Sinew, Vein = ildya
Nape, Neck = noorni
Palm or hollow of the hand = marangali
Part of the abdomen = idli, niri
Penis = wari
Place of infants on the backs of their mothers = madli
Pulse = boolda
Pulse beating is = boolda wabiridaoo
Shank, Ham, the upper leg = ngaloo
Shank, Thigh = gandi
Shin, Leg = warna moondalya
Shoulder = moongoongoo,wiri
Shoulder blade = bindya
Shoulder bone = bindyagagoo
Skin, Hide = yalga
Skin, Peel = gadlidi
Stomach kudna = nganggala
Throat = yoorloo, yoorni
Thumb = marangaugala
Tongue = yarli
Tooth = ira
Upper arm = ngandoo
Vertebrae, Back-bone = galdirinya
Visage, Face = mangoo
Waist, Loin = yoodoo
Womb = booda
Womb, Lap = ili, yali

Barngarlidi Manoo ‘Speaking Barngarla Together’, Barngarla Aboriginal language reclamation workshop, Port Lincoln Port Lincoln (Galinyala), 19 April 2012