Brenton David Nelson-Richards
(One of the participants in the Barngarla reclamation workshop in Port Lincoln on 21 April 2014).
Brenton David Nelson-Richards, also known as Smiley, was born in 1980 in Galinyala, also known as Port Lincoln. Brenton is named after his uncles B. ('Tank') Richards and David ('Digby') Richards. Since early childhood, however, he remembers being called Gooni by his mother, Lizzie Richards. Only today (21 April 2014) Brenton discovered, attending a Barngarla reclamation workshop, that 'Gooni' is the Barngarla word for 'third born child, if male'.
Brenton moved to Whyalla when he was a child and currently lives in Port Pirie. He enjoys playing football for the local league, as well as being a babi (Barngarla for 'father') to five gaidyari (Barngarla for 'children', gaidya being 'child' and -ri being the plural suffix). He likes visiting Galinyala, especially to see his family.
Brenton is following his mother's enthusiasm for learning the Barngarla language and looks forward to attending workshops in Whyalla too.