Malcolm Dare
Born in Port Augusta, Malcolm Dare (38) currently lives in Murray Bridge, South Australia. He does not mind travelling by bus over 14 hours to take part in the Barngarla Language Reclamation Programme. He is excited that he has the opportunity to learn and speak his heritage tongue now. He hopes to be able to speak with his children and grandchildren in Barngarla.
Malcolm feels that speaking in English is nothing but communicating in a foreign language with his own people. He also believes that the mother tongue can be a connecting not only with his own culture but also with the present, as well as the future Barngarla generations. He dreams of speaking in a language that his ancestors used to converse among themselves.
Malcolm is very proud of his high-profile father, Uncle Harry, who is one of the founders of the first Aboriginal radio station. He is also happy that the Barngarla people were granted Native Title that his family members had been fighting for for many years.
Emphasizing that children and young Aboriginal people will play a crucial role in the success of this reclamation project, Malcolm wants people from other cultures too to learn and speak the Barngarla language.